This year's match deposits are now due please contact Mel on 0776 5000857
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2026 Match Bookings are being taken from 1st November 2024
Opening times are from 8.00am – 6.00pm daily. To confirm, if you are visiting us for pleasure fishing on west sooty(carp and catfish lake) you must pre book your peg as limited space,pegs can be booked upto 7 days in advance, we will now not be accepting pre-bookings.on all other waters Anglers can now arrive and pay between 8.00am – 9.30am, then drive on to the fishery choosing any free lake and peg of your choice. (Anyone arriving after 9.30 can gain access by call Mel on 07765000857).

Bookings for open matches must be pre-booked and can be done 7 days in advance. Please call Mel on 07765000857, after 10.00am and no later than 5.00pm Monday – Friday and 10.00am – 12.00pm on Sundays. (No angler will be allowed to turn up on the day )
The fishery contains 10 fishing pools with over 200 pegs offering a wide variety of challenges to both the match & pleasure angler. Regular open matches are held throughout the whole week.

With great help from Rick Keeley, Chairman of the British Disabled Angling Association, our fishery has been designed with ample parking and wheelchair friendly paths.

Or Dusk whichever is the first.